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The Modifiers of Wellesley Car Club have our roots in the late 1950’s with a group of teenagers at Wellesley High School that were immersed in the hot rod car culture.

The club started out as the Defenders Car Club for 56-61. After the members graduated from Wellesley High School and started jobs and families it became more difficult both financially and time wise to keep up with the club and the club eventually became forgotten.

As the next round of Wellesley High School boys 62-66 stated to get interested in custom cars and get their licenses the Modifiers Car Club came into being. And like the Defenders the members graduated from high school and went their own ways. Some went into the service and the club again passed into history.

Nearly 30 years later a group of ex Modifiers were hanging out and someone threw out the idea of reconstituting the Modifiers Car Club and here we are today.